Resident Parking FAQs

What is a Resident Parking Scheme?

Randwick City Council operates a Resident Parking Scheme that gives parking priority on the street to residents who cannot park on their own property. The Resident Parking Scheme allows eligible residents to obtain a parking permit to park without time limits in a Resident Parking Zone, in their Area. Resident parking zones are identified by parking time limit signs which display additional wording such as:

“Permit Holders Excepted Area ###”

Why is there a need for the Scheme?

The need for a Randwick Resident Parking Scheme is partly due to the numerous regional facilities and institutions contained within our boundaries. Given the pressure placed upon parking as a result of these attractors Randwick City Council operates a Resident Parking Scheme in order to better cater for the parking needs of our residents.

What authority does Council have to operate the Scheme?

This Scheme, operated under NSW legislation, gives an on-street parking priority to eligible residents who cannot park on their own property. The Scheme allows eligible residents to obtain a parking permit to park without time limits in a Resident Parking Zone, in their Area.

Do I have to be a resident of Randwick City Council to receive a permit?

Yes. Resident parking permits are only issued to residents for the parking area in which they live. Permits cannot be issued to businesses, non-resident landlords, hotel or hostel guests, or to the occupants of serviced apartments.

How do I apply for a parking permit?

Residents get a parking permit by applying to the Council and paying the set fee. When applying for a resident parking permit you must provide documentary proof of where you live and proof of your legal connection with the subject car. Accordingly, you must:

1.  Provide originals of at least two of the following documents showing your home address and that this is in the resident parking area:

• current driver's licence

• tenancy documents in your name

• your name on the electoral roll

• utility account (gas, electricity, water etc)

• bank or credit card statement

• current vehicle registration paper

• home/contents insurance

• rental bond board receipt.

2.  Produce the vehicle's registration papers showing that it is registered to you. Note: Parking permits cannot be issued for a truck, a bus or for an unregistered vehicle. The Council cannot issue a resident parking permit to a non-resident, even if they are a ratepayer of the City of Randwick or if they run a business in the City.

3.  Parking permits cannot be issued for a truck, a bus or for an unregistered vehicle. The Council cannot issue a resident parking permit to a non-resident, even if they are a ratepayer of the City of Randwick or if they run a business in the City.

How many parking permits can I have?

A maximum of three vehicles is considered per residence and the maximum number of permits per dwelling is three. This number will be reduced for every off-street parking space available at your residence. Council will consider all garages, carports and other off-street parking spaces at a residence when deciding a permit application. Also, if the residence can be reasonably modified to provide any off-street parking spaces, these will be considered too.

What if my car does not fit into my car space?

Permits will not be issued to applicants with on-site parking even in situations where the vehicle is too big for the parking space.

What if I bring a business vehicle home?

Residents who bring a business vehicle home can also apply for a permit. You will be required to obtain a written statement, on company letterhead, from your employer confirming that you have “take home” use of the business vehicle.

How much does a resident parking permit cost?

Currently, resident parking permits cost $47 each per year for the first and second permit costs $121 and $210 for the third permit. There are some fee exemptions for pensioners. Parking permits will have an expiry date twelve months from the date of issue.

The cost of permits is determined annually by the Council as part of the review of its fees and charges. Current costs are posted on the Council’s web site or can be obtained by calling the Council on 1300 722 542 during office hours.

Why is there a fee for a resident parking permit?

The introduction of a new parking scheme will make it easier for you to park but the scheme will cost money to set up, run and enforce, therefore a small charge is made to cover administration of the proposed system. Permit fees partially offset the cost of issuing permits and maintaining resident parking signage. The residents who benefit from prioritised parking contribute towards the cost of running the scheme.

What happens if I buy a new car?

Permits are not transferable and therefore residents must apply for a replacement permit when they change vehicles. Additionally, the resident must destroy the old permit prior to disposal of the vehicle, and must notify Council of the disposal of the vehicle.

What about visitors?

Residents may apply for a visitor’s permit on behalf of a visitor. A visitor’s permit offers the same exemption as a resident permit. However, the fees are different and there is generally a maximum 3 month limit on visitor permits.

Will owning a parking permit guarantee me a space outside my home?

No. The Residents Parking Scheme does not allow residents to reserve parking spaces. However, by reducing the parking pressure from commuters, and others, in the area, it is much more likely that residents will be able to find parking spaces near to their homes.

Will the scheme make it easier to park at night?

Often problems at night occur in areas where off-street parking is limited and there is just not enough space for the amount of cars. The residents parking scheme will only prevent commuter and long-stay parking during the hours of operation. It will not assist at night time when the parking pressure is created by residents’ vehicles only.

Under the scheme would Council restrict my entire street or only part of my street?

Following the community survey, the results will be analysed on a street by street basis. If the majority of respondents from a street vote in favour of the scheme, the Council may recommend that a number of “resident parking scheme” spaces be created in that street.  The number of spaces created may depend on the number of residents who voted in favour of the scheme in that street. The recommendation would be considered by the Randwick Traffic Committee.

Why is there a No Stopping sign at the end of the street?

The NSW Road Rule 170 states that a driver must not stop on a road within 10 metres of the nearest point of an intersecting road (at an intersection without traffic signals). In an attempt to make it very clear as to the extent of the statutory restrictions, Council often installs No Stopping signage. With this signage in place it is “crystal clear” to all road users as to where you cannot park.